Is it delivered if it doesn't say delivered?
For most messaging apps, you might see a single tick, or the delivery status, which is usually visible right under or next to your message, might say 'Sent' instead of 'Delivered. ' If your text message does not say 'Delivered,' it means it has been floated from your end, but the recipient hasn't really received it.You might be blocked: If someone has blocked you on iMessage, your messages will still appear as blue, but they will not be delivered. However, it's important to note that there could be other reasons why a message is not delivered, so being blocked is not always the case [1].It will appear just below the message bubble.

  1. If your message does not say “Delivered”, check the top of your screen to see if it says “Sending…” or “Sending 1 of X”.
  2. If you see nothing listed under your last message, your message has not yet been delivered.

Why does my message say delivered on one device but not the otherThis is actually a bug in apple software that Apple fails to address. Delivered is only accurate on the device that it is sending from; all other devices in iCloud will show "Delivered" once that device has received the message from iCloud; not when the other user has received the message.

Am I blocked if my message doesn’t say delivered

SMS messages that aren't delivered usually say “Message Not Delivered” underneath the green bubble. A sudden switch from blue to green could simply mean a user has their phone in airplane mode or switched to an Android device. However, when combined with other signs, it could be an indicator you've been blocked.When an iMessage user blocks another user or stops receiving their messages altogether instead of seeing these messages in blue bubbles (as they should), they'll see them listed as “not delivered” instead of being able to read them outright on their phone screen like normal conversations would appear under normal …

Am I blocked if my text doesn’t say delivered

The delivery status.

Underneath each message you send, there should be a small bar of grey text that says “Delivered” if your message went through, or “Read” if the recipient has read receipts turned on. If your past few messages have no status beneath them, it's possible they've been blocked.

When it doesn't say Delivered, it means the other person is texting someone else or on the phone. Once they stop texting or hang up the phone, you will see the text message has been delivered.

Can an iMessage be delivered but not say delivered

Why is iMessage not saying delivered In most cases, iMessage does not say delivered because the internet is down and the user has not turned on the Send as SMS setting. To avoid that, make sure you have this setting turned ON on your iPhone.No notification will appear and the blocked party will not know their status as it relates to the recipient's phone. The Delivery Status of messages will not show “Delivered” and Read Receipts will not be sent. However, it's important to know that the blocked party may still see a “Sent” status on their end.If you haven't been blocked, the status will read "Delivered." And if the person has enabled read receipts, it will later turn to "Read" once they open the message. A red flag that you've been blocked is when you don't see the delivery status or the read receipt at all.

He's/she's actually just busy. Sometimes somebody will get sidetracked by something else. For example, he/she might have to go and make food, clean the house, go to to work/school or do some other chores. He may also be out doing something or even fallen asleep!

Will an iMessage deliver if blockedIf a person blocks you on iMessage, then they won't get any of your texts at all.

How to know if you’re blockedIf you're not sure whether the texts are getting through, simply calling the number is a good way to see if you've been blocked, regardless of whether you're an iPhone or Android user. Here's what to look for: If you're not blocked, the phone should ring anywhere from three to twelve times before going to voicemail.

Why is my text message delivered but not read

You will only see a status of Delivered, which means that your message has reached their phone, but not necessarily that they have opened it. The only way to get read receipts for SMS messages is to use a third-party app that supports them, such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Signal.

Only messages sent as iMessage will say "Delivered". SMS messages (green) will have no status messages unless they can't be delivered at all. So, the first thing you need to do is make sure that you have an active data connection. Then, you need to check that you are properly logged into iMessage in Settings>Messages.The status of sent messages is tracked through check marks next to messages. One grey check mark means the message was sent; two grey check marks mean the message was delivered, and two blue check marks mean the message was read. Read receipts are turned on by default, but it's a toggle you can switch on and off.The delivery status.

Underneath each message you send, there should be a small bar of grey text that says “Delivered” if your message went through, or “Read” if the recipient has read receipts turned on. If your past few messages have no status beneath them, it's possible they've been blocked.